Well tuned ears
Two full days of inspiring lectures on the business side of music.

Friday 15 November to Saturday 16 November

09h30 - 18h00

Muziekgebouw Eindhoven


The Pro Pass is for all musicians who want to get ahead in the music industry. In two full days of inspiring lectures brought to you by experts and specialists, we will touch on a broad scope of topics relevant to the modern-day music professional. All the things you want to know, but they don't teach you in conservatory. Check out our confirmed talks below! Lunch is included on both days.


Unseen studio s9CC2SKySJM unsplash

Friday 15 November, 09h30 - 11h00


In this workshop you will learn how to make your dreams and ambitions become a concept that can be sold. We will touch upon aspects like estimating finances in artistic project development and how to define and create for a specific audience.

Austin distel wD1LRb9OeEo unsplash

Friday 15 November, 11h30 - 15h30 

create the perfect pitch

Once you have your concept, you're ready to sell it. In this two-part workshop, we will train the art of pitching your projects and ideas to potential audiences and bookers. In the first half, we will discuss the key ingredients of a great pitch and you will practise setting up your own, personal pitch. In the second half, you will get the opportunity to pitch your idea to potential audiences and professional bookers and get feedback.

Cytonn photography vWchRczcQwM unsplash

Friday 15 November, 16h00 - 17h00

how to get bookings

How do you actually get onto the radar of booking offices? How do you leave an impression on bookers that would surely make them want to choose you over other artists? In this talk, a professional booker will share key insights that will help you understand how to become their top pick when making a selection. 

Guillaume de germain UdB 8NYVAdg unsplash

Saturday 16 November, 10h00 - 11h30

Becoming a brand

How do you market yourself so that you become recognizable as an artist? This workshop focuses on what you can do to present yourself in a clear, memorable, authentic and distinctive way to a large audience.

Saulo mohana wNz7 5EvUWU unsplash

Saturday 16 November, 12h00 - 13h00

how to build a sustainable career

How do you find the balance between financial succes and an artistic career that you can manage physically? In this talk, artists share their tips, tricks and insights on how to build a career that you can effectively maintain.

Erik mclean 9y1cTVKe1IY unsplash

Saturday 16 November, 14h30 - 15h30

releasing an album

What does releasing an album entail? In this lecture, Cobra Records and Mediatrack will take you through the whole process from A to Z.

Lachy spratt VSkeg0xHsss unsplash

Saturday 16 November, 16h00 - 18h00

100k+ productions

Thinking big? This part of the programme tackles what you need to know as an artist when you want to scale up.